Tuesday, September 11, 2012

play with a purpose

Eighth graders created a curious substance in the laboratory called Oobleck. Then they had some time to explore its very peculiar properties....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Into the Woods 

 Welcome back to school! Get excited, science students!! We are so lucky to have such an incredible campus, with acres and acres of places to explore. This photograph of NCCS alumns on the nature trail was taken some years ago, but imagine yourself in this picture. Keep your walking shoes handy - from Beginners to ninth graders, we'll be going outside and having adventures of our own.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Electric Carnival!

Sixth graders built electronic games and created a midway to finish their unit on electricity -- complete the circuit and win a prize!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Chickens!

Thacher Building has some new residents...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Birds & the Scientific Method

Sixth grade bird research projects are underway! After learning how to identify the local avifauna that frequent bird feeders in the area, students designed original controlled experiments to investigate a question they had about bird feeding behavior. For the past few weeks, students have been monitoring feeders, either at home or at school, collecting data in an effort to gain insight with regard to their experimental questions. This year’s observations have included a bobcat staking out a feeder and a sharp-shinned hawk chasing a junco into a window! Soon, students will be analyzing their results, writing them up, and submitting them for possible publication to a student journal created by Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

raising salmon

Our salmon eggs were delivered today! This is Derek West of the Connecticut River Salmon Association showing the eggs to the first graders before putting them in our tank. These Atlantic salmon eggs are being raised by our students for the Salmon Restoration Project. After the eggs hatch and the young fish are big enough to be released, the children will return them to the Connecticut River.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Studying Soils

Ms. Emily Wei, Middlebury College junior and our Environmental Intern for her January J-Term, discusses and digs up our local geology with seventh graders.